Being aware of HAM radio frequencies & Bands is an essential part of your journey of becoming a successful ham radio operator in 2025.
Here in this article I’ve tried to compile all information regarding Ham radio frequencies and bands that are allocated by the FCC. It has also been tried to give thorough information on frequencies within particular ham radio bands and mode of operations that are allowed by different class of license holders.
HAM radio Frequencies & Bands: Regulations in the USA
As already mentioned above and discussed in other blogs of this site, the regularity authority for frequency bands for ham radio is the FCC in the USA.
The FCC will decide which bands (i.e. frequencies) will be allotted to which class of Ham radio licensee? Over to that what operating modes (AM, FM, SSB, RTTY, Digital, CW etc) are allowed to hams of different license class?
Here is the image of Ham radio frequency bands in the USA for simple understanding.
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HAM radio Frequencies & Bands in the USA
HAM radio Low Frequecny Band (LF BAND)
As per the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) the LF band covers radio frequencies between 30–300 kHz.
2200 Meters
When it comes to Ham Radio, 2200 meters is only band allowed in LF band.
- Frequency Range: 135.7-137.8 kHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra class licensees
HAM radio Mid Frequecny Band (MF BAND)
The MF band covers radio frequencies between 300 kHz-3 MHz.
630 Meters
The 630 Meter frequencies are just below commercial AM broadcast bands.
- Frequency Range: 472–479 kHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra licensees
160 Meters
The 160 Meter Band frequencies are just above commercial AM broadcast bands.
- Frequency Range: 1.800-2.000 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra licensees
HAM radio High Frequecny Band (HF BAND)
The HF bands are where most of the long distance stations will operate.. These frequencies span from 3MHz-30MHz.
80 Meters
80 Meters consists of the frequencies from3MHz-30MHz (3500–4000 kHz). The band performs at night during the winter.
- Frequency Range: 3.525-3.600 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW only
- License Class: Novice and Technician classes
- Frequency Range: 3.525-3.600 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General class
- Frequency Range: 3.525-3.600 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Advanced class
- Frequency Range: 3.500-3.600 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Amateur Extra
- Frequency Range: 3.600-4.000 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: Amateur Extra
60 Meters: Five Specific Channels
- Frequency Range: 5332-5405 kHz
- Operating Modes: USB only
- License Class: General, Advanced and Amateur Extra classes
HAMs willing to use 60-meter band are allowed to access the band on five discrete 2.8 kHz channels provided that operating mode should be USB only and onus of not causing interference to any Government agency using it. Also their signal must be transmitted on channel center frequency which is 1.5 kHz lower than the original channel frequency.
Following table will make it easier to understand the specific tuning for using the 60 meter band:
Channel Center | Tuning Frequency for HAMs |
5332 kHz | 5330.5 kHz |
5348 kHz | 5346.5 kHz |
5358.5 kHz | 5357.0 kHz |
5373 kHz | 5371.5 kHz |
5405 kHz | 5403.5 kHz |
40 Meters
The 40 meter band is most popular and reliable band for use during all seasons.
- Frequency Range: 7.025-7.125 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW only
- License Class: Novice and Technician classes
- Frequency Range: 7.025-7.125 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General
- Frequency Range: 7.175-7.300 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone
- License Class: General
- Frequency Range: 7.125-7.300 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone,
- License Class: Advanced
- Frequency Range: 7.000-7.125 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Amateur Extra
- Frequency Range: 7.125-7.300 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: Amateur Extra
30 Meters
30 Meters is a narrow digital band spanning from 10.1–10.15 MHz and has a maximum power of 200 watts.
- Frequency Range: 10.100-10.150 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
20 Meters
20 meters band spans from 14.0–14.35 MHz. It is the most popular band between Hams and is most busy band during the day.
- Frequency Range: 14.025 -14.150 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General class
- Frequency Range: 14.225 -14.350 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: General class
- Frequency Range: 14.025 -14.150 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Advanced class
- Frequency Range: 14.175 -14.350 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: Advanced class
- Frequency Range: 14.000 – 14.150 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Extra class
- Frequency Range: 14.150 -14.350 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: Extra class
17 Meters
- Frequency Range: 18.068-18.110 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
- Frequency Range: 18.110-18.168 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
15 Meters
- Frequency Range: 21.025-21.200 MHz
- Operating Mode: CW Only
- License Class: Novice and Technician classes
- Frequency Range: 21.025-21.200 MHz
- Operating Mode: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General class
- Frequency Range: 21.275-21.450 MHz
- Operating modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: General class
- Frequency Range: 21.025-21.200 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Advanced class
- Frequency Range 21.225-21.450 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: Advanced class
- Frequency Range: 21.000-21.200 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Extra class
- Frequency Range: 21.200-21.450 MHz
- Operating Range: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: Extra class
12 Meters
- Frequency Range: 24.890-24.930 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
- Frequency Range: 24.930-24.990 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
10 Meters
The 10 Meter band can be used in day lights for maximum performance.
- Frequency Range: 28.000-28.300 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data (Maximum power 200 watts)
- License Class: Novice and Technician classes
- Frequency Range: 28.300-28.500 MHz
- CW, Phone (Maximum power 200 watts)
- License Class: Novice and Technician classes
- Frequency Range: 28.000-28.300 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
- Frequency Range: 28.300-29.700 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image
- License Class: General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
HAM radio Very High frequency & Ultra High frequecy bands (VHF/UHF Bands)
The VHF band covers frequencies 30MHz-300MHz & the UHF band covers frequencies 300MHz-3GHz.
6 Meters
- Frequency Range: 50.0-50.1 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW Only
- License Class: All Amateurs except Novices
- Frequency Range: 50.1-54.0 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: All Amateurs except Novices
2 Meters
- Frequency Range: 144.0-144.1 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW Only
- License Class: All Amateurs except Novices
- Frequency Range: 144.1-148.0 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: All Amateurs except Novices
1.25 Meters
- Frequency Range: 222.00-225.00 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: Novice (limited to 25Watt), Technician, General, Advanced, Amateur Extra classes
Note: See Section 97.303(e) of the FCC Rules.
70 Centimeters
- Frequency Range: 420.0-450.0 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: All Amateurs except Novices
33 Centimeters
- Frequency Range: 902.0-928.0 MHz
- Operating Modes” CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: All Amateurs except Novices
23 Centimeters
- Frequency Range: 1270-1295 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data (maximum power, 5 watts)
- License Class: Novice
- Frequency Range: 1240-1300 MHz
- Operating Modes: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data
- License Class: All Amateurs except Novices
HAM radio other Higher frequency bands (Above UHF)
Bands of UHF covers SHF (Super High Frequencies), EHF (Extremely High Frequencies) and THF (Tremendously High Frequencies) having frequency ranges 3GHz-30GHz, 30GHz-300GHz and above 300GHz respectively.
All modes and licensees (except Novices) are authorized on the following bands as perFCC Rules, Part 97.301(a).
2300-2310 MHz
2390-2450 MHz
3300-3500 MHz
5650-5925 MHz
10.0-10.5 GHz
24.0-24.25 GHz
47.0-47.2 GHz
76.0-81.0 GHz*
122.25 -123.00 GHz
134-141 GHz
241-250 GHz
All above 300 GHz
HAM radio frequencies & bands: Conclusion
In the concluding words, it is important to know HAM radio frequencies and bands respective of license class you are holding. Also the modes should be operated carefully keeping in mind the interference it can cause with other operators. We have tried best to segregate the bands for ease of understanding. Do share your thoughts in the comments please.
Other blog posts from the category:
- Wide Band vs Narrow Band: Which is better for Ham Radio?
- HF Band conditions: A Comprehensive Guide
- HAM radio Frequencies & Bands in the USA: Popular frequencies with chart || Updated January 2025
- Ham Radio Emergency Frequencies: Must Know During Disasters || Updated 2025
- HAM radio General class privileges || Easy Guide USA (Updated 2025)
- HAM radio Technician class privileges || Easy Guide USA (Updated 2025)
- HAM radio Amateur extra class frequencies || Easy Guide USA (Updated 2025)